Smart ID
Biometrics, Mark of the Beast, ID Trust
What is Global Smart ID?
- It�s a way to prove who you are, online. It is sometimes called remote
- The security industry tends to call it �federated ID�, or �single sign
- It�s already being used by the military, and large corporations.
- It starts by signing up with an Identity Provider (IdP), who will then
act as a go-between when you want to access services online, and are asked
to prove your ID. From proof of age, to driving entitlements, to
�trustworthiness�, all of it can be confirmed by your IdP.
- It can be used for a number of applications with a number of form
factors � more industry speak for: you can use it for all sorts of things,
e.g. payments, tickets, opening doors (ie keys), accessing company records,
clocking into work, logging into the smart grid, etc, with a number of
gadgets and technologies (such as NFC, and biometric scanners) � there has
to be a chip involved, because this contains your encrypted ID including
biometrics. It�s likely this will be in a smartphone or smart card at first
(though the NSTIC is currently piloting use of rings or bracelets), but
eventually it would have to be sub-dermal, to avoid loss or theft.