In the time of the apostle John (author of the Apocalypse), one believed
that the Antichrist was to be one of the Roman emperors since the addition
of the six principal numeral letters of the Roman system gave 666.
The expression "
Vicar of the Son of God and referring to the Pope),
title engraved on the pope's tiara until 1963, gives an alphanumeric value
666 per addition of its Roman numeral
letters (V ~ U). This numerologic denunciation was established by the
Protestants of the Reform.
V |
I |
C |
A |
R |
I |
U |
S |
F |
I |
L |
I |
I |
D |
E |
I |
= |
666 |
5 |
+1 |
+100 |
- |
- |
+1 |
+5 |
- |
- |
+1 |
+50 |
+1 |
+1 |
+500 |
- |
+1 |
Vatican Coats of Arms |
Tiara of the Pope |
Holy-Peter's Keys |
In the Vatican, almost all evokes triple 6 or Beast signs:
armorial bearings, Pope's tiara and keys of the Vatican.
The tiara, bonnet with horns
[goat, ram, lamb, billy-goats or Beast...], is used as
identification for a god or a divinized person. In addition, in
Deuteronome ( chapter
33, verse 17),
the horn is a symbol of force and power. On the Pope's tiara
above, let us note the inscription " Vicarius Filii Dei".
In French, the expressions " cornes" (horns), " la
ch�vre" (the goat) and " bergers" (shepherds) have all
the three an alphanumeric value of 666,
in the direct mode of
numerology times 9. In addition, in English, the term " Horns"
is worth also 666 in this
same numerical coding!!!
The number of the Beast 666
also corresponds to the coded values of the French words " bouviers"
(herdsmen), in the
numerology basis 9, as well as " b�lier" (ram),
in the
reversed numerical coding basis 6.
Nevertheless, in the
reversed numerology basis 36, expression "
A Vicarius Filii Dei"
is worth
A |
V |
I |
C |
A |
R |
I |
U |
S |
F |
I |
L |
I |
I |
D |
E |
I |
= |
888 |
61 |
+40 |
+53 |
+59 |
+61 |
+44 |
+53 |
+41 |
+43 |
+56 |
+53 |
+50 |
+53 |
+53 |
+58 |
+57 |
+53 |
= Numeric Code of Jesus-Christ
The Latin expression
abbreviation of "
Dic me ess lucem veram"
[ meaning
Says that it is me the true light] has an alphanumeric
value 666. So, the Romans turned into ridiculous the inscription engraved on
the cross of Holy Beno�t: "
Crux sancta sit mihi
lux, non draco sit mihi dux" [translated by
The holy Cross
is my light, the Dragon is not my king]].
D |
I |
C |
L |
U |
X |
= |
666 |
500 |
+1 |
+100 |
+50 |
+5 |
+10 |
In Roman, the Pope is designated by
Dux Cleri, meaning
Leader of the clergy and being worth 666.
D |
U |
X |
C |
L |
E |
R |
I |
= |
666 |
500 |
+5 |
+10 |
+100 |
+50 |
- |
- |
+1 |
In addition, in the direct mode
basis 100 numerical coding, like in
reversed lower-case ASCII codes numerology, the French expression "
Pontifes" (the Pontiffs) is worth
1221x(6/11) =
666]. In addition, French word "
(refering to the Pope) has exactly the alphanumeric value
666, in the
reversed numerology basis 6. In satire, in its book "
Arbor vitae
crucifixae" (published in Venice by 1485),
Ubertin de Casale
concludes that the two Beasts of the Apocalypse are the popes Boniface VIII
and Benoit XI.
The alphanumeric code of the emperor
Diocletian August (
in Roman; persecutor of the first Christians) is
D |
I |
O |
C |
L |
E |
S |
A |
U |
G |
U |
S |
T |
U |
S |
= |
666 |
500 |
+1 |
- |
+100 |
+50 |
- |
- |
- |
+5 |
- |
+5 |
- |
- |
+5 |
- |
L |
U |
D |
O |
V |
I |
C |
U |
S |
= |
666 |
50 |
+5 |
+500 |
- |
+5 |
+1 |
+100 |
+5 |
- |
Literally, the Roman name
Ludovicus means "Vicar of the Court" |
V |
V |
I |
L |
D |
U |
C |
E |
= |
666 |
5 |
5 |
1 |
50 |
500 |
5 |
100 |
- |
VVIL DUCE is a sign that appeared during
Musolini's reign
and which meant VIVA IL DUCE, long live the chief |
C |
u |
t |
e |
P |
u |
r |
p |
l |
e |
D |
i |
n |
o |
s |
a |
u |
r |
= |
666 |
100 |
+5 |
- |
- |
- |
+5 |
- |
- |
+50 |
- |
+500 |
+1 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
+5 |
- |
Cute Purple Dinosaur = Nice
purple dinosaur |
Hebrew is one of the two languages of biblical revelation. The Hebraic and
Greek languages, are respectively the original languages used in the Old
Testament (the first 39 books) and in the New Testament (27 books). Just
like in Arabic, in Hebrew the sentences are written in reversed direction
[of the Greek or the Latin basis languages], from right-hand side towards
the left, thus forming pages which are read from the last to the first.
Nevertheless, each Hebrew word is individually written from left to right;
symbol of the interpenetration of past and future in the present, people
says. All the alphabetical letters also correspond to numbers, in Arabic,
Hebrew and Greek (exception of figure 6 in this last language where the
Beast number is represented by the "snaked" symbol

the Greek alphabet not having a natural letter-number for this number with
morbid connotation.
Like the former Greeks, the Hebrews established a link between the Beast,
the Roman empire, its princes and his Church.
R |
O |
M |
I |
T |
I |
= |
666 |
ר |
ו |
מ |
י |
ת |
י |
200 |
+6 |
+40 |
+10 |
+400 |
+10 |
Romiti =
Roman, in Hebrew |
R |
O |
M |
I |
I |
T |
H |
= |
666 |
ר |
ו |
מ |
י |
י |
ת |
200 |
+6 |
+40 |
+10 |
+10 |
+400 |
Romiith =
Roman Kingdom, in Hebrew |
N |
E |
R |
O |
N |
K |
A |
E |
S |
A |
R |
= |
666 |
נ |
ר |
ו |
נ |
ק |
ס |
ר |
50 |
+200 |
+6 |
+50 |
+100 |
+60 |
+200 |
With the addition by the catholic Church of a final "n" in the
name of Neron,
C�sar Nero or K�sar Nero became Neron C�sar
in Roman
and thereafter nrwn qsr in Aramian.
Let us note that in
numerology times 9, French expression "
le royaume romain"
the Roman kingdom) is worth
1665 X
(2/5) =
666], whereas "
un Romain" (
Roman) has an alphanumeric value of
in the mode of
reversed numerical coding basis 6. In addition, the English word "
is worth also
666 in the
reversed guematria basis 9.
In accordance with the alleged revelations transmitted by the Virgin Mary to
Buisson d'�pine,
Ma�treya (
Maitreyas in
German) would be the Antichrist. However, in
numerology times 6, the secret code of
Maitreyas is
666. The "
followers of
New Age awaited Ma�treya, their new "Messiah",
for the year 1998 [
666]. According to their worship,
Ma�treya would be recognizable by 216 "divine" marks engraved on its body [
6 x
Transcribed in the Hebraic alphabet, Ma�treya gives
whose alphanumeric code is also
M |
A |
I |
T |
H |
R |
I |
E |
= |
666 |
מ |
א |
י |
ת |
ר |
י |
ה |
40 |
+1 |
+10 |
+400 |
+200 |
+10 |
+5 |
= Ma�treya, in Hebrew |
Analyzing the amendment of the United Nations against Iraq and Saddam
Gerard Colombat concludes:
�L�amendement de l�O.N.U. du 15 Septembre 1990 concernant l�Irak
et Saddam Hussein (� noter la similitude visuelle et subliminale entre
les noms SADDAM et SATAN et qu�en anglais "SAD"
signifie "triste", "MAD" signifie "fou", que "DAM"
est le d�but du mot "damnation" etc.) �tait le num�ro
666. Les noms Saddam et
Hussein donnent chacun 666 par
addition gu�matrique en h�breu.�
[Our translation]
"The amendment of U.N.O. of September 15, 1990 concerning Iraq
and Saddam Hussein (to be noted the visual and subliminal similarity
between the names SADDAM and SATAN and that in English "SAD"
means "sad", "MAD" means "insane", that "DAM"
is the beginning of the word "damnation" etc.) was number
666. The names Saddam and
Hussein give each one 666 by
guematric addition in Hebrew."
H |
U |
S |
S |
E |
I |
N |
= |
666 |
ה |
ו |
ש |
ש |
ה |
נ |
5 |
+6 |
+300 |
+300 |
+5 |
+50 |
S |
A |
D |
D |
A |
M |
= |
666 |
ס |
א |
ד |
א |
ם |
60 |
+1 |
+4 |
+1 |
+600 |
In addition, the magic square
SATOR], which made run
much ink, has an alphanumeric code
in its Hebraic transcription. This square of order five (5 letters length
and 5 letters broad) contains Roman sentence
ROTAS, readable as well on line as in column and generally
translated by "
the ploughman with his plough or in its field directs
works" [under the assumption of a correspondence between
and word
AROTRON (plough)].
S |
A |
T |
O |
R |
A |
R |
E |
P |
O |
T |
E |
N |
E |
T |
O |
P |
E |
R |
A |
R |
O |
T |
A |
S |
R |
O |
T |
A |
S |
= |
666 |
ר |
ו |
ת |
ס |
200 |
+6 |
+400 |
+60 |
However, the translation above would be doubtful because
G Letonnelier[1]
note with accuracy that, in this expression,
AREPO is the only
word which does not exist in Latin language and cannot, by this fact, being
Charles Cartigny[2]
specifies that:
"... si AREPO n'existe pas en latin,
REPO existe; il signifie: �je rampe, je m'avance � la mani�re
d'un serpent�."
[Our translation]
"... if AREPO does not exist in Latin,
REPO exists; it means: �I crawl, I advance with the manner of
a snake�."
After reorganization of the basic inscription,
Cartigny obtains the
following grammatically correct sentence which it translates without
rotations, gr�ce � toi, hors de l'objet fil�, je m'�vade en serpentant,
moi, cr�ateur�."
[Our translation]
thanks to you, out of the spun object, I escape by curving [by
"snaking"], me, creator�."
Dodging any difficulty relating to
AREPO and regarding
SATOR as synonym of
Ludwig Diehl
proposes the following reading of the basic inscription:
TENET, TENET OPERA SATOR, whose translation is " the Creator holds
works, the Creator holds works " (twice). To solve dilemma
Abbot Beauvois considers as for him that
A.R.E.P.O. is equivalent to
OMNIPOTENS, meaning �Very powerful
Father, eternal King of the Skies�. Let us recall that the paternity of this
magic square
SATOR is often assigned to
Holy Irenee[3],
as underlined by
J�rome Carcopino[4].
A morbid connotation is visually associated with the
WWW [initials of
World Wide Web, meaning
Cobweb of the whole world or
Internet ] and with the name of
Herode Agrippa, king of Judaea, under
their Hebraic writing where the letter-numbers "W" or "O" represent number
6. Let us note that in the Hebrew texts the name of Herode was often spelled
H�red�s or
H�r�d�s, this last transcription making show
through with the Hebrew reader
H6R6D6S, name with triple 6.
H |
� |
R |
� |
D |
� |
S |
⇒ |
666 |
- |
ו |
- |
ו |
- |
ו |
- |
- |
6 |
- |
6 |
- |
6 |
- |
According to some authors (
Colombat and
Simon Desrosiers) the name of
Charles De Gaulle, written in
Hebraic letters, gives the numeric code
C |
H |
A |
R |
L |
E |
S |
D |
E |
G |
A |
U |
L |
L |
E |
= |
666 |
ש |
ר |
ל |
ס |
ד |
ו |
ו |
ל |
ל |
300 |
+200 |
+30 |
+60 |
+4 |
+6 |
+6 |
+30 |
+30 |
The author
H. Gunkel announces that the expression "
old chaos",
in its Hebraic transcription [
Tehom qadmonijjah], has an
alphanumeric value of
T |
E |
H |
O |
M |
Q |
A |
D |
M |
O |
N |
I |
J |
J |
A |
H |
= |
666 |
ת |
ה |
ו |
מ |
ק |
מ |
נ |
י |
ה |
400 |
+5 |
+6 |
+40 |
+100 |
+4 |
+40 |
+6 |
+50 |
+10 |
+5 |
On the basis of Hebraic guematria, the father
Petro Bongo, chanoine
of Bergamo, affirmed that the Antichrist was no one else than
M |
A |
R |
T |
I |
N |
L |
U |
T |
H |
E |
R |
A |
= |
666 |
ל |
א |
פ |
ק |
א |
מ |
כ |
ר |
ק |
ח |
ה |
פ |
א |
30 |
+1 |
+80 |
+100 |
+1 |
+40 |
+20 |
+200 |
+100 |
+8 |
+5 |
+80 |
+1 |
Martin Luthera
= Martin Luther in Hebrew |
W |
I |
L |
L |
I |
A |
M |
J. |
C |
L |
I |
N |
T |
O |
N |
= |
666 |
ו |
nil |
ל |
ל |
nil |
nil |
מ |
י |
כ |
ל |
nil |
נ |
ת |
nil |
נ |
6 |
- |
+30 |
+30 |
- |
- |
+40 |
+10 |
+20 |
+30 |
- |
+50 |
+400 |
- |
+50 |
William [Bill] J. Clinton,
former American president
In Greek, William J. Clinton is worth also
666, in spite of the differences in
coding in these two languages |